Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My phone alarm went off an hour early on Sunday, which I didn't realise until I'd had breakfast and was about to jump in the shower...!

The benefit was I had an hour to get some stuff done before heading off to church, which is a very rare thing. I always sleep as long as I can!

Anyway, I washed some sheets and hung them out on the communal line and even thought about going for a walk, but the washing and hanging had taken a bit of time, so I didn't get to.

But it did inspire me. I felt a lot more awake that day, and less rushed getting out the door.

I'm by no means a morning person, but I thought even if I got up 30 mins early each morning I could go for a walk and get a few more things done.

Yesterday I went for a walk to a local park to meet a student, and that was a good little bit of exercise, and then today I got up 30mins early and did a lap of the block. It was really refreshing and not too strenuous, but just enough to get my heart going and my body sweating (eww).

So I'm going to try and do this more regularly. Generally I rely on walking to/around uni/to the bus etc to get exercise, but it's hardly anything. I need to be more purposeful. Back in highschool I used to walk to the station uphill for around 15 mins every morning, and then home again each day, plus playing sport on weekends and I was much fitter. Since school finished (and particularly since getting a car) I've been terrible with disciplined exercise!


Bonnie said...

Your post has inspired me to get up earlier and go for a walk.

I've always been terrible at exercising too. Ballet's the only thing that I love to do that involves excercise and dance classes are $$$, so I haven't been going to them.

SamR said...

I was doing well at getting up early before daylights saving arrived, but I haven't been able to get it back together since the change!

onlinesoph said...

I love dance classes too, but $$ and time is a huge factor. If I had my way (i.e money and time to spare!) I'd take a funk class twice a week to keep fit. That would be fun:)

I think incidental exercise is good, soph. I walk everywhere I can instead of driving. My most ambitious undertaking so far has been walking to church (50min) and walking home from Stanmore (40min)....not too bad, but bring sunscreen!! I got burnt on saturday :(

Anonymous said...

I used to like walking around in Sydney, especially near the water... I used to drive (lazy!) down to the Bay Run when I was in Leichhardt, or walk around Kirribilli when I was in Neutral Bay... so nice.

In Jakarta, there is a distinct lack of safe footpaths to walk on and the sticky heat makes it unbearable, so I'm going to join the devil (aka Fitness First)...