Monday, September 15, 2008


I've never been overseas before, but I'd love to travel one day. My parents didn't really properly go oversease until just a few years ago. It's funny how the culture now is that you go overseas when you're in your early 20s, and if you haven't been overseas by 25, you're almost subhuman.

It also slightly annoys me that employers will look well upon people who've travelled, regardless of their reasons for doing so. I mean most people travel just to live it up - how is that something to improve your employment stakes? Anyway - RANT.

I might be biased, but I reckon a stint in the country is just as useful in terms of preparation for employment. The country has its own problems - eg. racism, parochialism etc. But at the very least it teaches you independence and adaptability, in a very real environment.


Ben McLaughlin said...

I'm with you, sister. Never been overseas either.

onlinesoph said...

I totally agree. I never did the Europe thing after uni, but I find at work the fact that I'm 25 and not widely travelled causes people to think I'm strange...I feel your rant!!

soph said...

phew it's not just me!

Leanne said...

Good call - much good is done by people who forgo travel and give the money they would have spent to missionaries (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying travel is bad, but it's worth thinking about).

soph said...

I don't actually mean it that way - could come across a bit pious.

Kim said...

I've never encountered travel being an issue with potential employers. I guess accountants aren't too fussy about that. I do really recommend heading overseas though - the world is such a vast and varied place, it's great to experience something that is different to what you know.