Sunday, November 8, 2009

Apparently Macarons are pretty much the thing

I'll tell you, here's a funny trend: Macarons. You know, almondy-meringuey biscuits with a sugary creamy layer in between?

They've become ubiquitous among foodies, and were last months' Daring Baker's Challenge. Locally, patissier Adriano Zumbo's really made them take off. On Friday, he held Macaron Day, to celebrate his birthday, offering something like 60 flavours (of which Steph tried 48!), including black truffle, vegemite sourdough and maple syrup bacon and pancake.

I was pondering their popularity while washing up yesterday. I think it comes down to the extraordinary variety of flavours, the illusion of being not too bad for you (they're small and light), and their Frenchness.

Anyway, they look delicious and I doubt I could ever make one... but I think I might over Christmas.

PS. The top photo is of raspberry and pink peppercorn macarons, from one of my favourite food blogs, Cannelle et Vanille.

1 comment:

onlinesoph said...

I think it was Channel Ten's Masterchef that made them popular, when Zumbo did the Macaron challenge. Not very romantic sounding, I think I prefer your reasons better.

Sam and I had a picnic earlier this year in Balmain with a box of macarons. They were beautiful...the longest time I've ever taken to savour a biscuit!