Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shivers and Obama

I'm sick again - it seems like everyone's sick at the moment.

I've had a fever for the last two days, and have a sore throat and a gross cough. I'm really over having a temperature and being unable to taste anything.

I was sad to miss going in for the last God in the Loft today, which is our public meeting at UTS... hopefully I'll be ok to farewell everyone on Friday.

The only upside of being sick was watching the election coverage ALL DAY. I'm really electioned-out! But it was pretty exciting seeing Obama win so convincingly, especially when he took Ohio. His victory speech was marvelous, don't you think? McCain was very gracious in his concession speech too.

Who knows how many of the promises Obama has made he will keep, who knows how much he can change things. But the sheer reality of a black man being the President of the US deserves a celebration. What a milestone.

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