Friday, October 21, 2011

Political lego

This brilliant lego depiction of watershed moments in Australian politics is in the current edition of Melbourne Uni's student magazine Farrago. Here's just a couple.

1994—John Howard promises Peter Costello that he will hand over the Liberal leadership
sometime during his second term. Philip Ruddock listens in.

June 2010—Kevin Rudd is replaced by Julia Gillard as Prime Minister.

Props to my housemate Elizabeth, who edits Farrago, and extra props because this is her last ever edition! See more here.


Joel Parsons said...

I already left a comment on the Farrago blog, but there is a factual innacuracy in these, in that it was Ian Maclachlan (not Philip Ruddock) who was present at the alleged 1994 discussion regarding the leadership.

soph said...

Yes, you're right. Thanks for the correction, Joel!