Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We're.... related!

It turns out that I'm related to Kevin Rudd...

My (first) cousin Anna, married Kevin's second cousin. Her last name is Rudd. The Rudd family held a reunion over the Easter weekend, where they all met! The reunion was at my cousin's inlaws farm - it's a trail riding business. The Ruddster did a bit of posing.. (he's third from the right)

And my cousin's children (I have no idea what the correct terminology is for that relationship - perhaps second cousin) were cuddled by the PM around the dinner table...

So there you go - two degrees of separation!


Anonymous said...

Haha, that's cool. Does this now give you pull to influence government policy?

"hey cousin Kevin..."

Bonnie said...

yup, second cousins is right. :-)

Nixter said...

wow - that's cool!