Monday, May 17, 2010

Billy and I

I should also, as part of my housematey duty, tell you all that Jo has started a blog called Billy and I. She's going to try and read all of Shakespeare's plays and Sonnets in a year, and blog about it....

Here's the blurb:
I live in a world where everyone, myself included, uses the word 'random' far too many times a day for it to remain meaningful. Our dictionaries are swollen with new words, and yet orwell was right, our breadth of usage is shrinking. For some reason, despite a full and busy life, this angst about language, about meaning, provokes me to read all of shakespeare's known plays and sonnets, in a year, and tell you all about it... Or not. I might get bored or busy, but i'll try. Here's to billy and I.
But knowing Jo, she'll need actual readers to stay motivated. So go read the first post and vote whether she should start with a tragedy or a comedy...

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