Friday, June 15, 2012

Why hello there

Oh my. Down in Melbourne-town it's a bit cold, grey and drizzly at the moment. Our house doesn't have heating, which is a bit of a killer during this deathly winter period, so we've taken to leaving the oven on and open to at least warm the kitchen area up. Bit naughty, but efficient. Some use blankets; we use ovens. How is it your neck of the woods these days?

But I'm happy to say today is all blue skies and sunshine, which is quite the metaphor for life at the moment, really. I've finally come through the fog of my first bible college exam, my brother's wedding, national staff conference and end of semester shenanigans. I feel like I can breathe again *inhales*.

And so, here I am, back at the keyboard, wanting to say OHAI and that I haven't forgotten you despite the silence of the last two months.

So expect a few more posts very, very, soon.


Bonnie said...

hello Soph! Nice to see you back in my Google Reader again :)

It's cold here in London too - so cold we've turned the heating back on and I still take my winter coat with me when I go outside!

soph said...

Hey bonnie! But but... isn't is Summer!?

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're posting again :)