Tuesday, October 21, 2008


What are you reading?

I started well in the holidays, reading What is the What by Dave Eggers - a semi-fictional biography of a Sudanese refugee, and England, My England, a collection of short stories by D.H Lawrence.

But since resuming work I've been terrible, and have hardly progressed at all. I have no patience for reading when I'm around the house. Strange. It's weird because I'm really enjoying both books. I think I just don't have a good "reading spot". Imagine having a day bed to lie and read on... mmm

1 comment:

Ben McLaughlin said...

Since finishing Crime and Punny I have been hopeless. I think I am subconsciously thinking I just climbed mt Everest so therefor I never walk again..

But what I really am trying to get into reading next is 'Franny and Zooey' by JD Salinger.

And also testing the waters with a few Christian books (ie, reading the contents page and then falling asleep)